LS. Ngô Tằng Giao
Bút danh: Tâm Minh (dịch Anh-Việt) 2023
Out in the morning Father goes,
Whether it pours with rain or snows,
Whether the wild wind beats and blows:--
By the fire sit Mother and I
Doing our lessons quietly.
Back in the twilight Father comes,
When I've finished with books and sums.
Not all the noise of all the drums
Is a jollier noise, I know,
Than Father when he says, "Hallo!"
Cha đi vào lúc sáng trời
Dù mưa hay tuyết tung rơi khắp miền
Dù cho gió thổi cuồng điên,
Mẹ cùng Con vẫn ngồi bên lửa hồng
Lặng làm bài tập ấm lòng.
Mãi chiều cha mới việc xong trở về
Khi con bài vở yên bề.
Dù cho tiếng chống vang kề khắp nơi
Chẳng vui hơn tiếng Cha cười
Khi về Cha khẽ thốt lời: “Hallo!”
Tâm Minh
Our Fathers
Our fathers toil with hands and heart
To make our lives complete.
They quietly brave the winter cold,
Endure the summer heat.
Our fathers' lives are busy, but
There's always time for us.
They boldly face the ups and downs
And seldom ever fuss.
Our fathers are the greatest dads.
We know you know this, too.
But thank you for the chance to share
Our love for them with you.
Cha chúng tôi
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